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23rd Century Romulan Research Station on Galorndon Core

Exterior Shots

Interior Shots



There's something I find so... uncanny about these images. Whenever I look at them, I get this distinct feeling of familiarity that says, "You've been here before." The architecture is very Roman-esque, staying true to the Original Series' depiction of the Romulans, but there's also a very modern component to it. This looks like a very fancy part of city, such as a business district, an area with a town hall and/or a courthouse, et cetera. I keep expecting to see businessmen or others dressed in business clothing to walk right through the images. Seeing Romulan soldiers dressed in that distinct 23rd century style of theirs breaks the illusion, reminding me that this isn't Earth; this is an alien world however many light years away, under a fascist government, in a society that's hardly at peace. The symbol of the Romulan Star Empire scattered everywhere is also a stark reminder of who truly owns these soldiers and the world.

It's hard to put into words the bizarre feeling these screenshots give me. Not only is it modern feeling, something that already clashes with our idea of what 23rd century technology could look like, but it's also just alien enough to unsettle me. I'm oddly drawn to it. I will be taking more screenshots of Galorndon Core for sure.