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About the Webmaster

Hello! My name is Rihanha, and I run this website (obviously)! I love Romulans and have loved them since I played the Romulan campaign on Star Trek Online. I've been watching Star Trek since 2015, with my first series being The Original Series. The Original Series (TOS) continues to be my favorite series out of all the different shows. It honestly helped me change my perspective on life. For once, the future displayed on TV wasn't desolate and apocalyptic. Humanity, despite the struggles they faced, finally got it right, with Earth becoming a (mostly) utopia, where everyone was equal and had all needs provided for. I decided to believe in that future, no matter how dire the current circumstances are in the real life world.

I played Star Trek Online on and off for a couple years, since 2017 or therabouts. It wasn't until summer of 2021 that I began to play regularly. Nowadays, it's the game I play most. At the time of writing, I have 1,599 hours on Star Trek Online. I play on 3 characters regularly, with 2 more that I play occasionally. You can find some information on these characters on this website! Feel free to explore my characters and learn about them.

You can contact me at!

The Star Trek shows I've watched sorted from most loved to least loved:

  1. The Original Series
  2. Deep Space 9
  3. Voyager
  4. Enterprise
  5. The Next Generation
  6. The Animated Series

If a show isn't listed here it means I haven't watched it yet. I might put up pages containing my thoughts and opinions on each series, but that's probably a while from now. Please note that this list is based off what I like to watch from a subjective standpoint, and isn't a judgment on the overall objective quality of the show.

Favorite starships:

  1. T'liss-class Light Warbird
  2. D'deridex-class Warbird
  3. T'varo-class Light Warbird

Well, that's all for now! Thank you for dropping by my humble website! Have a good day.